PODCAST LINK: Models of Sustainability: A Global Approach with Dr. Renita Reed-Thomson (Part 4)
Go to the people
live among them
learn from them
love them
start with what they know
build on what they have:
but of the best leaders
when their task is accomplished
their work is done
the people all remark
“we have done it ourselves.”
(By Lao Tzu)
Welcome to Part 4 of a 4-part series on Models of Sustainability. In previous episodes, we talked with special guests about LOCAL, NATIONAL and INTERNATIONAL approaches to Models of Sustainability. In this episode, we will explore a GLOBAL approach that impacts all of us around the world.
I often get asked the question, “where do you find your guests”? My answer is usually, “mostly from my professional circles”.
However, Renita Reed Thomson, is actually an old friend and someone I have always admired and on occasion have tried to emulate. She is a strong independent leader and influencer whose heart is full of love and compassion for others and her passion to impact global communities freely pours out of her. Renita currently serves as the President of Discipling Marketplace Leaders and holds an MBA.
Funny thing is, when I originally asked Renita to be a guest on my show, she reminded me that she actually got her PhD in Sustainable Development too!! Amazing how things work out, eh?
Among many dynamic things Renita said during our interview, I was inspired about how she used a particular analogy in this final interview that was also referenced in Part 1 of this series. Which brings this topical series full circle.
What a joy it was to have this dialogue with this great woman of influence and dynamic speaker and teacher!!
Contact info: renita@dmleaders.org
Links: Discipling Marketplace Leaders: https://disciplingmarketplaceleaders.org/
Books: The Grand Narrative of God, Financial Freedom for Families
Blog: www.reedsinthewind.blogspot.com
Here’s to Growing Forward Together as we all seek to serve and help grow our communities in sustainable ways!!